Rachel Chisholm Rachel Chisholm

why the language of divorce matters

In a new article for Wealth Matters, Rachel Chisholm examines the importance of language in divorce proceedings and how reframing some of the traditional phrases can result in better outcomes for all involved.

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Rachel Chisholm Rachel Chisholm

Breaking boundaries: influencing the future of family law.

With almost half of all marriages in the UK ending in divorce (source: ONS), it is imperative that we find ways to make the process one that minimises conflict and reduces emotional and psychological damage both to the couple and any children involved. The Mediation Space delivers a unique model of mediation that offers hope to high conflict divorce cases.

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Jacqueline Marks Jacqueline Marks

The Importance Of MIAMs

The Court of Appeal makes findings about the importance of the parties attending MIAMs

In a recent case in the Court of Appeal (K v K [2022] CA Civ 468) the importance of parties attending a mediation information and assessment meeting (MIAM) was stressed. Similarly, the importance of Judges considering, at every stage of the proceedings, whether non-court dispute resolution is appropriate, was stressed.

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Rachel Chisholm Rachel Chisholm

How Our Model Works in 5 Steps

At The Mediation Space LLP, we are dedicated to offering you a bespoke service, tailored to meet your needs. We have a wide range of services that we put together to best help you resolve the issues you are facing.

So, how does it work?

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